I’m Lilly. I took one year off from work in my late 20’s, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. On this site, you’ll learn about my travels and how I went about my time off.


Hi, I’m Lilly. Thank you for visiting!

When I was 27-years-old, I quit my job to travel and prepare for new job opportunities. My time off was unforgettable, and I have no regrets.

I decided to document and share my experience with people who plan to take, or are already taking, long-term time off. My goal is to provide information that may be helpful in navigating and enjoying your time off. For those who don’t want to quit their jobs, I hope this site provides you with useful travel tips and guides.  


Who am I and what makes me, me

I’m a tablespoon of Upstate New York, teaspoon of kindness, cup of straight-forwardness, handful of hard work, and a dash of inquisitiveness.

I’ve had my fair share of challenges as a first-generation Asian-American who grew up in a low-income, non-English speaking household. Despite hardships, I followed a traditional career path and built financial stability for myself. I earned my BS & MS in Mechanical Engineering and worked for 4 years in the fields of prosthetics & orthotics, orthopedics, and physical rehabilitation before taking my year off. 

What are my experiences traveling before my time off?

Since graduating high school in Rochester, I have lived all over: from blizzardous Syracuse > to cultural London > to energetic NYC > to windy Chicago > to nomad life > to sunny San Diego. 

My first proper traveling experience started when I was a 20-year-old, eager American student studying abroad for one year at a London university. I explored Italy, France, and other countries when I had the chance to travel around Europe.

So I still like traveling – is this why I wanted to travel during my time off?

It is indeed. I chose to take time off to travel because that’s what interested me the most. While I think anyone can benefit from traveling, you can do whatever interests you during your time off. Do what fulfills you!


  • I’m a twin – we’re both the evil twin. 😉 (I also have a brother, can’t forget about him!)
  • I’m ambidextrous.
  • I rearrange my furniture a few times a year.

Disclaimer: The content on this site, LillysTimeOff.com, are my own views and opinion, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my previous and current employers or affiliates.